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Difference between Upper Cervical chiropractor and General Chiropractor

Why choose Upper Cervical Care (UCC) instead of any other chiropractic care? The focus of UCC is to work out the relationship between the neck and the rest of the body. Our neck has an influence on the central nervous system, as well as brain stem function.

Upper Cervical Care is more important than any other chiropractor care due to the fact it deals with the nervous system. UCC practitioners believe that your neck is the gateway to the rest of your body. They believe that this relationship also affects every aspect of human functionality, ranging from the regulation of hormones, the fluidity of movement, and even providing to see, hear, and breathe.

Upper Cervical care can make you feel better in multiple places, which include but are not limited to:

By using precise x-rays, your UCC practitioner will make sense of the misalignment. These measurements are taken to determine where the significant imbalance is within your body. When it’s time for the spinal or neck correction, the chiropractor will use an adjusting table to arrange your body in a specific fashion. Then, he or she will apply a number of light corrections to your Upper Cervical spine. Adjustments does not involve twisting or cracking of the spine. Your alignment is monitored during each visit to determine if an adjustment is warranted.


Do you need Upper Cervical Care?

Upper Cervical Care Specialist

Chiropractic Care is one of the most effective paths to pain relief for Fredericksburg, VA, Stafford, VA, Spotsylvania, VA, King George, VA, Falmouth, VA, and other surrounding Northern Virginia area residents. Dr. Jean Exume, a chiropractor at Desiring Health Specific Chiropractic, offers effective non-invasive pain relief for a variety of conditions.

Megan Bingham

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